Monday, February 13, 2006

Fun with Filo

Want gourmet cereal? Wrap it in filo dough and put it in the oven. Want gourmet socks? Filo dough, oven. Do you want anything you cook to look gorgeous? Yeah.

Ici est mon raison premiere for purchasing filo [phyllo] dough: Superbowl Party Spanikopita!

I'm sorry, it's so pretty I had to speak some high school level French. Here's a detail:

Et "les leftovers?" Regardes-tu!

Saumons avec des épinards, enveloppés en filo dough. Ah oui, bien. Etcetera.

Si vous voudriez me louer en tant que votre cuisinier personnel envoyez, s'il tu plais, une photographie et un million de dollars à:

Lena Webb
1515 N. Highland Ave, NE
Atlanta, GA 30306


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do love me Spanikopita, thought sometimes, just to be silly, i call it "Skank-on-a-pita!" Oh me, I'm even funnier than Lani Kazan in MY BIG FAT GREEK WEDDING. But i am impressed by your cullinary prowress, albeit surprised that you had a superbowl party.